A blog for the teacher-in-training!

A blog for the teacher-in-training!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

The end & the beginning

Whew! That was an intense experience. I have completed the 14-week student teaching program, and I can breathe a sigh of relief (at least until I consider the job market). During my last week, my university supervisor met with my cooperating teacher to discuss my progress, my strengths, and my opportunities for improvement. Then, they agreed on my grade while I waited patiently outside the classroom. Once my supervisor informed me that I was successful, and we talked about my future in the profession, my paperwork was completed in order for UTD to request certification from the state. I previously applied online for certification and completed the fingerprinting process, so I'll be ready to go when my skills and eagerness match up with a career opportunity. I expect my offical certificate to be ready in January! I have applied online for a teaching position, and we'll see what happens...until then, I will substitute-teach. Mid-year is a strange time to graduate and seek a position, but you never know what can happen.

The kids were great on my last day; they gave me cards, best wishes, and hugs. Some even cried, and I saw how true it is that a teacher can really impact the lives of his/her students. I will miss them all, and I have to remind myself that I am not abandoning them - this is a natural part of the process, though I can't help but feel as though I'm leaving them at a strange time. Maybe it doesn't feel this way when you student teach in spring, because then everyone is geared up for the summer break. I care about all my students, and I hope to see them again.

It has not yet fully sunk in that I am a professional now. I am a teacher. I am no longer a student. I am no longer nervous standing in front of a class. I have survived spontaneous walk-throughs by administrators, last-minute changes to lesson plans, and a classroom brawl. I have navigated parent-teacher conferences, faculty meetings, and avoided the negativity in the teachers' lounge. I am confident that even when I make a mistake, it can be used as a teaching opportunity, and that even on my bad days, I still provide my students with valuable lessons. I am ready for my classroom, and I can't wait to meet my students.

Of course I will continue to grow as an educator during my first year of teaching and beyond. Teaching is a profession that requires constant learning, growth, and additional training. I will continue to hone my skills, seek out the best resources for my students, and learn which procedures work best in my class.

I wish all of you on a parallel journey the best of luck. For those of you about to embark on this educational odyssey, you need only to look back at my earlier posts to see what an emotional, at times scary, but ultimately rewarding experience this is. If you are thinking about the teacher certification program at the University of Texas at Dallas, rest assured that it is worth the hard work. Yes, a lot is asked of you. You will need to pass your certification exams prior to student teaching, for example; however, you will be supported by the program, be well-prepared for the profession, and enjoy the esteem that comes along with graduating from UTD's program. Whatever your circumstances, thank you for taking this journey with me. I hope I have given you a little insight into the challenges and rewards of student teaching.

Savvy Suggestion: Always remember what teaching is really about, and don't get bogged down by anything else. It's all background noise compared to what you are really doing to help your students. Teachers make all other professions possible; teachers make a difference.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

From Gobble-gobble to Ho Ho Ho

Approaching Thanksgiving break, I felt pretty confident. I finally knew all the kids' names. I had hit my stride. The kids were used to me; I was used to them. Everything was good. Then, they realized vacation was just around the corner. Insanity crept in, and not just with the kids. The teachers, including myself, were tired. Simply put, we all needed the vacation. I found that scheduling assignments that required intense focus and hard work near the end of the week before a vacation is not a good plan. The kids alternated between a zombie-like state and hyperactivity (neither good for focusing). This is not to say that they should be given a pass prior to breaks and not expected to work, but keep in mind that some activities are better suited to these days than others.

The week of Thanksgiving offered a nice break. Several days off in a row provided just the respite we all needed. I slept in. I even managed to go a couple of days without planning lessons. I felt renewed. I even missed my students! I really did. I thought everyone would return after the break ready to go, but that wasn't the case universally. The teachers all seemed reinvigorated, but the students came back tired. Their sleep schedules were obviously out-of-whack. They came back lethargic and suffering from memory loss seemingly specific to what they learned prior to the break. Then there were a couple of days of relative normality before they began to ask when they would be out for winter break. Much to their dismay, final exams stand between now and their next vacation if they are in middle or high schools, and almost all grade-levels are beginning to prepare for standardized testing (if they have not already done so). There is a lot of curriculum to cover in the next couple of weeks, and the students are not entirely focused. This creates a challenge and a need for creative and engaging lessons. Teachers of younger students can sometimes use class winter parties as incentives, while middle and high school teachers have to use other incentives to encourage active learning.

This is also the time of year when fall student teachers prepare to leave the classrooms that, hopefully, we've come to love. I know that I have worked hard to build rapport with my students, and while I am happy to be nearing certification as an educator (and can't wait to get my own classroom), I am sad to be leaving my students behind. I say "my students" because since the second week of school, I have taken responsibility for them along with their successes and failures.

It is important at this point to send out resumes, thank the teachers and staff who have supported you during your time as a guest in their school, and take a minute to thank the kids for all they have taught you - because you learned as much from them as they did from you. Next week is my last week student teaching, and I will be observing other teachers in the building. This not only broadens my education, but also helps the students and cooperating teacher get used to working together again. It will be very strange that first day that I don't have to get up and go teach my classes. I can't help feeling a bit sad.

Savvy Suggestion: Prepare something to say to your students on your last day, and be sure to thank them sincerely for all that they have done to help you on your journey. Let them know, one last time, how much you care about them and their success.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Student Teacher Workshop #2

            All of the student teachers at the second workshop at UTD seemed so much more relaxed than they were at the beginning of the semester! The increased confidence was evident as peers conferred and shared what has worked for them in different situations. The workshop focused on career advice (we are beginning to apply for jobs - this is both exhilarating and terrifying!), classroom management, and formative assessments.

Faculty, advisors, and supervisors from the Teacher Development Center were all there to support the student teachers, and I have to say – I have never felt more supported by any other department during my college career. It feels great to know that your mentors are approachable, knowledgeable, and love teaching future teachers.

After some career advice, such as the benefits of networking, the importance of distributing an impressive résumé, and acquiring letters of recommendation, we met to discuss classroom management strategies. Popular solutions to talkative students varied from maintaining a close proximity to chatty kids to Harry Wong’s “Give me 5” tactic. We also met to review the variety of options for formative assessments, and the purpose for assessing students throughout the grading cycle. Formative assessments not only check for students’ understanding, but provide activities that lead to summative assessments. One type of formative assessment that I have successfully implemented a couple of times so far also serve as closure at the end of the lesson: the exit pass. With an exit pass, students write something relevant to the lesson, such as 3 things they learned about ______, or how they can improve on ______. You get the idea. This also gives me a chance to say goodbye to students as they leave the class and wish them a good morning or afternoon.

We also reviewed the importance of knowing exactly where the lesson is going, or what your learning targets are, and making sure the students know as well. See the Seinfeld video for an example of how a lesson can fall apart without a plan in place.

This semester’s student teachers have only 3 weeks left, since most are off for most or all of Thanksgiving week. I remember how scared I was at first and how I was so frustrated on some days I actually cried. Now, I imagine crying because I will miss my students. I almost feel as though I will be abandoning them when I leave, and I care about what happens to them – especially the ones with whom it was difficult to build rapport. One of the student teachers from last spring who spoke at our orientation said that we would feel like they were “our kids” by the end of the semester. She was right.

Savvy Suggestion: From your first day in the classroom, though you will be experiencing a wide range of emotions and challenges, treasure every moment you spend with the students. They are what it’s all about. Everything else will pass, but your influence in a child’s life can have far-reaching effects.


Thursday, November 3, 2011

As Students Come and Go...

I don’t know to what extent this is true in every school, and I’m sure it varies somewhat depending on the socioeconomic status of the students, but the population in some of the classes I am teaching is continually shifting. New students come in, other students leave, and this constantly changes the dynamics of the classroom. New students come from a variety of circumstances and different educational backgrounds. For them, adjustment to a new class can be difficult. Alternatively, some students with whom you have worked to build rapport with are suddenly gone one day, with no prior warning. In many of these cases, you will find that you wish you could have one last discussion with the students to help them along their way.

In addition to emotional considerations, there are some logistical concerns as well. When a new student comes in shortly before a grading period ends, you must find a way to assess the student in order to give him or her a fair grade. Sometimes, the student’s grades will transfer with him or her; sometimes they won’t. You can’t base a report card grade off of an assignment or two, so make sure you find a way to help the student succeed. This can require some imagination, since you cannot punish the child for moving into your course by assigning him or her extra work to do. It is also challenging to help a student succeed when they haven’t gained the prior knowledge that you have helped the rest of the class build. There might have been a completely different curriculum with different objectives in the student’s prior class. Classroom management will fluctuate as students exit or enter the class, and you will need to adapt to the new classroom dynamic. A single student can make a huge difference in the atmosphere of a class.

If this constant class flux has taught me anything, it’s that it is necessary to treat all students the way I treat those I love: anytime you see someone might be the last, so be kind and helpful. That troublemaker in your class today might be someone else’s troublemaker tomorrow. Do your best to reach that child. If you don’t, no one else might either. Never lose an opportunity to reach a student. Often, the kids who are the most difficult are the ones who need the most support.

Savvy suggestion: When new students enter your classroom, introduce them - but don't make them stand up in front of the class and talk about themselves. They are probably uncomfortable entering a new class (it's much more stressful than when everyone is in the same situation on the first day of school) and they are already aware of everyone staring at them. Putting them on the spot can backfire, and you don't want to begin your relationship by making them feel uncomfortable or unsafe.

Friday, October 21, 2011

I'm still here...

I don't know how many of you are following my student-teaching trek (I didn't put a counter on the blog because I didn't really want to know), but in case you were wondering why I haven't blogged...it's because I have been extraordinarily busy. You will hear your professors say that student-teaching is not an 8-3 (or similar hours) job. They know what they're talking about. You will be at school early and leave late, assuming you are putting your best effort into the experience. When you get home, you will still find yourself taking care of lesson-planning, etc. If you are also trying to work part-time, take classes, have a family, or other time-consuming areas of life, expect to be spread extremely thin. Then, add to that all the unpredictable occurrences in life, and you will feel like you're drowning some days. So, now that I have shared the reality of the schedule woes and explained my absence from blogging, here's what's new...
I had my first experience with a violent student recently. The student often comes into class upset, but I am usually proactive and help the child calm down before class starts. On this particular occasion, that approach didn't work. When the student began throwing a temper tantrum and the other students became worried, this merely enraged the student more. A violent outburst ensued, and I needed to call security. Make sure you know the extension before you need it. It just so happened that I had never been told (or admittedly looked for it myself) the extension to call, so mid-outburst, I was looking through the handbook for the number. During that extra minute, something awful could have happened. I should have been more prepared.
Other than that, my pacing is improving - though sometimes it is still difficult when I'm creating lesson plans to figure out exactly how long each segment will take in order for the students to complete a specific task. Some things that should be easy take an excruciatingly long time, while other tasks that you think will take quite a while are done in no time and you have to come up with an additional activity quick! I often ask my CT for advice on this issue, but it gets easier to plan as I gain experience. Classroom management with one group is still a nightmare. If anyone has expertise on how to get a really chatty group of kids to just stop talking for 5 minutes, let me know. Seriously, respond to this message if you have a great idea. I have tried everything, from humor to detentions (also proximity, the teacher glare, changing seats, and so on). Some kids have really improved as I've built rapport with them, but others sincerely do not care to be in school at this point in their lives. I wish I could magically bestow a work ethic and a desire to learn onto them.
Savvy Suggestion: Another thing that professors will tell you that is absolutely true is that people in this profession talk and your reputation will spread - so make it a good one! I just learned that someone was having a conversation about me at a completely different school, and I don't know who the connection is. I don't think it is my CT, so who's doing the talking? Hmmmm...it's really strange. I'm pretty confident that I'm doing the best job I possibly can, so I prefer to imagine that the conversation was positive. Work hard, be true to yourself, and eagerly learn as much as possible! It goes without saying that you should be professional at all times - be on time, dress the part, etc.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Student Teacher Workshop #1

Yesterday, UTD's weary yet largely successful student teachers came together for the first Student Teacher Workshop. As several faculty observed, it was interesting to note the changes in presence of the team of newbie teachers. While we are all stretched thin, very tired, and facing different challenges, we are also more experienced and less afraid than we were just a few short weeks ago. I wonder how different we will be by the end of the semester!

It was great to talk to peers and find out what triumphs and challenges everyone is facing. I did a lot of listening yesterday, so I could share my observations with you. One overwhelming attitude shared by almost everyone I spoke with was the genuine care they have for their students. It is amazing how quickly the kids whose names you are struggling to remember during the first couple of weeks become "your" kids. Many of us felt strange being away from them for the afternoon, or spoke of dreading the day when we turn them back over to their regular teachers.

Learning how to manage time was also a common issue. Sometimes, lessons go much more quickly than anticipated and you are left with extra class time. In that case, you either need to think really quickly on your feet or have some mini-lessons planned in advance just in case. On the other hand, sometimes lessons take longer than anticipated or are derailed by questions or conversations (which can be well worth the time!), and you have to figure out where you can shorten segments, remove some elements, or find time the next class period to continue.

Some student teachers expressed concerns either with their CT or their US. In several cases, a student teacher feels that one or the other has unrealistic expectations, doesn't understand their teaching style, or is not as supportive as he/she could be. Luckily, most people I heard from felt as though they had a strong support system.

Everyone expressed confidence that they were well-prepared academically, though some real-world experiences were surprising. Some people are in non-traditional classrooms or different grade-levels than anticipated or wished for. Some have students with very specific IEPs and special needs. Also, many student teachers were surprised by the vast differences in abilities of the students within one class. Classroom management concerns were also voiced by just about everyone I heard speak, except those with CTs that had a strong management system in place early in the year. These are things that are difficult or impossible to learn in a college course, but the good news is that everyone feels as though he or she is learning a lot about how to handle these opportunities for growth already.

My final thought is that I am thankful for the meeting yesterday. It was valuable to be among peers, share experiences, offer support and advice to each other or simply lend an ear, and meet with our TDC advisors and mentors. We received training on how to write successful learning objectives and create anticipatory sets and closure activities that enhance student learning. These are things we all learned in class, but it is different hearing the information after being in the classroom and trying these practices on our own! I am posting the list of Bloom's verbs on the wall near where I write daily learning objectives so that I can remember to use meaningful & measurable verbiage. I will post some of the great tips I picked up later this week.

Savvy Suggestion: Many student teachers expressed mixed feelings about being asked to perform a lot of duties by CTs or departments. When you can help out by creating lesson plans or doing the "busy work" of grading, running scantrons, copying, etc., you feel helpful and accomplished. However, it is difficult not to feel just a tiny a bit resentful or "used" when you are completely exhausted. While everyone had a mostly positive attitude about this rite of passage, they couldn't help but notice that there must be some unspoken initiation process at work. So we all continue to smile, accept any assignment thrown our way, and offer to help before it is even asked. Remember, student teaching is not just training, but also a job interview. You never know who is watching, assessing your attitude and skills, and talking about you to other educators. Always keep a positive attitude and willingness to show your eagerness to embrace all aspects of teaching.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

One month down...

This might just be one of the strangest experiences of my life. The ups and downs from day to day are unpredictable and emotionally exhausting. The old cliche comes to mind; what doesn't kill us, makes us stronger. I know I'm not alone in feeling this way; I have spoken with several other student teachers who feel completely frustrated one day, and renewed the next. It even changes from one hour to the next. One class period might be on task and your lesson is going well - you even see that spark in the students' eyes as they "get it." The next period might be a classroom management nightmare. The lesson runs amuck. NO ONE seems to understand. You feel like you're fighting a losing battle - all while your CT watches (supposedly not judging you, but how could he/she not be?). If you feel this way, and you most likely will, you are not alone.

My US just observed me for the second time, and it was during one of those days when I felt dejected and disillusioned. The debriefing that followed the observation still went well, and my US offered some great suggestions for engaging the students. One strategy for helping with time management (that I learned in Classroom Management but haven't implemented yet) is the use of a timer with a bell to signal when the time alotted for an activity has ended. I have been giving verbal time warnings, such as "5 more minutes", etc., but the alarm is a great tool that helps me keep track of time and get students' attention better than a verbal "time's up" from me (especially if it's an activity during which students are allowed to talk). My US offered several other helpful suggestions as well. Remember, that's what your US if for! They are great resources, chosen for their experiences in the field, so remember to utilize yours.

I have not been good about calling my US to discuss my frustrations, because I tend to try to solve problems on my own. However, I strongly suggest that you talk with yours before the stress starts to wear you down too much. You can't perform your best when you begin to feel lost or miserable. I promise to be better about taking my own advice for the remaining 2/3 of my student teaching experience.

For now, I feel renewed. The day after my 2nd observation, the one during which I felt dejected, I had a kid who wouldn't turn in assignments before turn something in after his conversation with me. He even initiated a high-five with me. I saw some students make some important breakthroughs because of me! I feel like I'm in the right profession again. I just need more practice.

If you can't tell, I tend to be verbose (or quite wordy) once I begin writing, so I will list a few things that have caused me stress so far. I will re-visit these later in the semester to let you know what solutions I have found, because I WILL find solutions.

1) A lack of autonomy
2) Feeling like a guest in a class where I'm supposed to take charge
3) Having a vastly different vision/style than my CT
4) Classroom management (too much talking, kids off-task, etc.)
5) Ridiculously long hours (this will vary for you depending on your CT)
6) Lesson plans that are constantly in flux and not solely up to me - I would like to know where I'm headed so I can help the kids get there!

Savvy Suggestion: Hang in there! Some days, you will want to quit, or at least question whether or not you made the right career choice. Things won't always go according to plan. Then, things will come together. You will see that spark in a kid's eyes, they will high-five you, you will make a real difference in a student's life sooner than you expect to. You will find your groove, and feel amazing.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Week 3 in Review

What a rollercoaster ride! Last week, I had my first observation. I was nervous that the class period being observed would not behave well and allow me (and themselves) to shine as brightly as possible, and I had good reason to feel that way. The classes that I have assumed responsibility for are very problematic in the area of classroom management. The very large number of students routinely talk during instruction, and they do not display any type of work ethic whatsoever. They simply do not care (yet).

When my University Supervisor (US) entered the class and sat in the back, it did not phase the students at all. They acted as horribly as they have on other days. I do not blame the little darlin's, to use a Van-ism; they have obviously not been taught to meet certain expectations in the classroom. I was trying my best - using the proximity method to influence behavior, speaking to kids who refused to work, and asking the class to listen before I gave instructions. However, both my US and I found that I ended up speaking over them in many cases, and repeating information too many times to count.

My US suggested that I stop and wait for them to be quiet before speaking, and that has been helping. Now, when students notice that I can't give them helpful instruction because a classmate is talking, they use peer pressure in a postive way to help silence the room. The only downside to this method is that I have had some interference from the Cooperating Teacher (CT), who likes to jump in and lecture during the momentary lull. The CT is unknowingly sabotaging my efforts (in several other ways, too), so a discussion is in order, most likely including my US for support.

The classroom management issues in a couple of my classes, combined with a wide range of students' abilities, have been a challenge. On the upside, several students have shown a marked increase of respect toward me, and that feels awesome. When a kid feels comfortable coming to you with questions, it's an awesome feeling!

Savvy Suggestion: You may have to assert your autonomy if you have an overbearing CT. Your US can help you to do so without stepping on your CT's toes.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Week 2 in Review

This past week started off so rocky I wanted to quit. I didn’t quit, but I did cry. I actually cried one day because the stress level got to me. You hold in your personal emotions all day, because you can’t let the kids see you “sweat,” and you definitely can’t let them see if they are getting on your nerves, so I was surprised when fatigue and emotion got the better of me and I needed a release. Some people might have had a glass of wine, and I know some of the teachers had visits planned to the chiropractor to work out stress, but I just wept and went to bed.

I woke up still feeling exhausted, but with a sense that even if the day didn’t go exactly as I had planned, it had to be better than the day before. And it was.

Let me backtrack a bit. Why did I want to quit? I had a lot going for me from day one; I am as comfortable as a new teacher can be with lesson planning, I understand the technology in the classroom, I work well with a team, and so on. The single most challenging aspect - the one that made my day unbearable - was classroom management. Two classes in particular are very large, with very rowdy kids who do not want to work at all. I simply had never been in a situation where I would instruct a group to do something and they just didn’t. I repeated instructions too many times to count. I found it difficult to call the kids out on their bad behavior because I didn’t know their names yet. (The Cooperating Teacher did not have a seating chart). I used the proximity method to influence the students’ behavior, but I couldn’t be everywhere at once. It was not a fun day. I did some self-reflection between tears, and made a plan.

The next day, I discussed my feelings with some of the other teachers during the planning period. I found that they were having the same issues in their classrooms, and they are experienced! It made me feel better, and I waited to implement my plan. With the help of my CT, I created a seating chart that separated some of the trouble-makers from each other. This also helped by giving me a tool to help memorize names. I now do my best to make sure I have the attention of the entire class before giving them directions, and every time I repeat myself I refer to where I have the directions written on the board. They have improved greatly in one week, though they still have a long way to go.

My first observation by the University Supervisor is this week, and I am nervous. I am doing a type of lesson I haven’t seen done with the kids before now, so I have no way of knowing how they will react. I am expecting some high level thinking from them, and I anticipate a fight from a few of them. However, I look forward to talking to my US about the challenges I am facing and learning from the US’s expertise. I’ll let you know how it goes.

Savvy Suggestion: Don’t expect yourself to be perfect from the beginning. Self-reflection is an important tool to gauge how you’re doing and plan ways to improve. Also, go over those notes from classroom management – it is so important to your success!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Week 1 in Review

At the end of week 1, I am tired more than anything. Adjusting from the schedule of a college student to that of a teacher is a bit of a stretch. I am used to staying up until early morning hours to finish papers and catching naps when and where I can between classes. Now I find myself going to bed at a "respectable hour" as some would say...and I can't really say I like it. However, the school schedule leaves me little choice. Therefore, I jump up when my alarm goes off (way too early in the morning for my liking) and fake it all day long. I guess at some point I'll get used to this strange agriculturally-inspired schedule.

I will begin teaching at least one class period during week 2, and have spent the greater part of my weekend trying to decide how to construct the lesson plan. I actually think this would be easier if it was for my own class, but planning is nerve-wracking when trying to keep the desires and style of the cooperating teacher and university supervisor in mind while remaining true to myself. I am not at all sure that this is entirely possible in my case, which leaves me in quite the predicament. Whom do I primarily aim to please? I am a guest in the CT's classroom, the US determines my future, and I cannot perform to my full potential unless I have a strong plan that I believe in. This is the point where I need to speak with my CT and possibly my US. I will possibly have a stronger sense of where the lesson plans are going after the planning period tomorrow.

For now, I will wrap up and prepare for bed in a few, short hours. I will be up again at the crack of dawn. Prepare to spend some extended time in the classroom; teachers arrive earlier than everyone else and leave later. Plan on spending time at home planning, preparing, or working in some way - even if you are extremely efficient and get tons done during the school-day. Expect to attend after-hours functions like PTA meetings, meet-the-teacher nights, and more.

P.S. My main focus this week (aside from finishing the lesson plans) is to learn names. Student teachers are at a disadvantage coming in after the CT already knows the students. It is also more difficult in a classroom with no seating chart. Try to come up with a plan for remembering names quickly and accurately (unless you're lucky enough to be great with names - a gift I do not possess.)

Savvy Suggestion: Get as much information as you can from your CT about his or her goals for the class before attempting to create your own lesson plans. You will be working within parameters that include the CT's plans, STAAR objectives, district guidelines, and more. Ask questions until you feel comfortable that your lesson plans will be good for the students, CT, US, and YOU! This can be tricky, but it will get easier with practice.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

You Are More Prepared than You Think You Are

Throughout your life, you will be told a lot of "truths." Your children grow up too fast. Time seems to pass more quickly as you get older. A good sense of humor will get you through a lot of adversity with your sanity in tact. The most challenging activities are often the most rewarding. After completing the Teaching Certification Program at UTD, you will be prepared to start teaching. Until my first couple of days student teaching, I wasn't so sure about this last one.

At the student teacher orientation, our mentors assured us that we were ready. "This is what you've been working toward," they exclaimed. I sat there, hoping they were right but secretly harboring doubts. My class performance had been good, I tried to commit all the theories (some radically conflicting with each other) to memory, but I just wasn't sure how well it would translate to the classroom. Would I be entering an alien territory with completely new theoretical systems in place that I knew nothing about? Would I be able to command the respect of the students? Would I be able to communicate intelligently with teachers who had a lot more practical experience than I have?

At the end of my first day, I breathed a huge sigh of relief. I felt so well-informed about lesson planning (thanks C&I professor!), classroom management (thanks to the professor who "doesn't have a phud after her name"), and professional responsibilities that nothing seemed odd or confusing at all. I did have to ask what a few acronyms stood for, but once the specific item was explained to me, I realized that it was something I already knew about - perhaps just by a different name. I was able to work one-on-one with several students, and it felt natural. This is the one thing that no one can teach you. You can learn theories all day long, but if you don't care about helping students learn and feel comfortable working with them, this isn't the career for you. I left feeling confident that I am supposed to be a teacher. I was even asked to start planning some lessons and teaching as soon as I feel ready. By the end of the day, I thought: "Bring it on!"

I did not blog about my first day because, frankly, I was too tired! I hadn't slept the night before because I was too nervous. I don't recommend this approach. I only sat down once during the day, and that was a change from the daily activity of a college student. I was also scared it was a fluke. Maybe I just thought things were going really well...

Day two went just as well, so I feel safe blogging about it now. Your experience will differ depending on the support and rapport with your cooperating teacher, your classroom, and most of all - YOU. You will get back what you put into the experience, so take it seriously and prepare to work hard. You will be rewarded for your effort.

When I write next week, I hope to feel as positively about the experience. Currently, my only fear is how the assessments by my university supervisor will go. Can someone really pop in 3-4 times and obtain a clear enough picture of my skills to judge my worthiness as a teacher? For now, take my word for it: After completing the Teacher Certification program at UTD, you WILL be ready to teach.  

Savvy Suggestion: Don't merely defer to your coordinating teacher's idea of when you should begin doing what. Let him or her know when you feel ready to take steps forward. It shows initiative and may give you more time to practice your craft.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Take a deep breath…

…you’ll need it when you first meet with your university supervisor and your cooperating teacher. This meeting should take place prior to your first day in the classroom, and it’s a great opportunity to discuss questions, concerns, expectations, and get to know each other a bit. The meeting is a positive event, but that doesn’t prevent it from being one of the more anxiety-inducing steps you will go through on your journey to teaching. You will be meeting with an experienced teacher who has very strong opinions about how his or her classroom is run (and rightly so). Your cooperating teacher will be judging you from your first encounter; make no mistake. Likewise, your university supervisor is a very experienced educator and mentor, and he or she will have expectations that you will need to meet in order to be successful. Together, these two mentors will assign your grade and determine whether or not you are recommended for certification, so be sure to show up well-prepared, well-rested, and dressed professionally.
                Now that I’ve painted a serious picture, let me reassure you a bit. The personalities of university supervisors and cooperating teachers vary wildly. You will hear stories from some student teachers about being thrown in to teach right away (even on the first day in some cases, though the university discourages this) while cooperating teachers disappear from the classroom, and you will hear other stories about teachers who are reluctant to give up control of their classrooms at all. The good news? You have a team of support to help you, no matter which situation you find yourself in. Your university supervisor will help monitor your progress, your relationship with your cooperating teacher, and offer support and encouragement where needed. At the initial “3-way meeting,” your university supervisor is in your corner, clarifying the university’s expectations for your cooperating teacher. My supervisor helped immensely in explaining the process and addressing my cooperating teacher’s concerns. I am so glad that I was not alone during that meeting!
                So how did my meeting go? To be honest, I was scared for a moment that my cooperating teacher was about to change her mind. She is a very dedicated teacher who was not entirely sure about letting a novice loose in her classroom. While I was a bit intimidated, and felt a bit unwelcome, I am truly glad to be assigned to such a serious professional who cares so deeply for her students. After all, who wants to learn from a teacher who doesn’t care? During the meeting, we discussed my role in the classroom. I explained that I am not there to step on her toes or do everything my way, but rather learn as I help her execute her curriculum. My university supervisor was indispensable during the meeting, as she reassured us both. I left the meeting feeling as comfortable and confident as possible for an incoming student teacher.
                My goal here is honesty, so let me tell you what I did right and what I could have done better. Things I did well include: I dressed very professionally, had every bit of information I could find on the teacher’s webpage (syllabus, etc.) printed out and in a binder, arrived early and acquainted myself with the office staff, and stayed relatively calm – at least on the outside. Things I wish I could do over or still need to do: I interrupted my cooperating teacher once while she was speaking (this was because I was so excited, but it is still rude), I didn’t ask the office staff where I am supposed to park, I asked where to get my badge but forgot to go have it made after the meeting (I blame nerves), and I don’t feel that I really gave my cooperating teacher much insight into who I am since I didn’t speak much – though I’m sure that relationship will come in time. My first day is on September 6th, so I plan to rectify two of these mistakes by visiting the school this Friday to ask about the badge and parking. That way, I’ll be ready to go next week – at least physically!

Savvy Suggestion: Review your content material prior to your first day of student teaching, and find out what the classes you’ll be in are working on. If they are reading certain books, working on certain equations, etc., be sure you are up-to-date with the content! You will be stressed enough without worrying about content material. Bonus suggestion: If you do forget something, be able to laugh at yourself, explain that everyone makes mistakes, and let the kids see you look up the information. This is a great way to model life-long learning.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

And the student teaching assignment goes to.....

I was given my student-teaching assignment today. It wasn’t my first choice; it wasn’t my second choice, but I couldn’t be happier. After all, I thought: this is a metaphor for teaching. A teacher doesn’t always have the opportunity to choose which grade-level he/she teaches, what subject, which planning periods he/she gets, or when a fire-drill will happen. A teacher deals with the unexpected, constantly, and adapts. Not only is this a necessity for the teaching profession, but think about what a great lesson that is to model for our students!
My first day in the classroom will be September 6th. Prior to that date, I will be meeting with my university field supervisor and my cooperative teacher to coordinate expectations, develop our relationships, and clarify objectives. I have already located my cooperative teacher through her webpage via the district’s website and know that we share a life-long love of learning. I hope this also means that she will be patient with me as I learn this semester. The role of student-teacher is a strange one, as I will be both teaching and learning, but I plan to do so with enthusiasm (even if I’m terrified on the inside). I will be honest with you all about every step of the way – the scary moments, the embarrassing moments, the moments I want to scream, and the moments of sheer joy – including the first time I see a look of comprehension on a student’s face during a lesson I teach. Until next time…
Savvy Suggestion: Before you meet with your university supervisor and cooperative teacher, learn as much as you can about the school you will be working in and the teacher you will be working with & learning from. Not only does it show them that you are prepared, it shows them that you care and are dedicated to doing the very best job you can.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Turning STEM into STREAM: Writing as an Essential Component of Science Education - National Writing Project

A look at how learning can be maximized by using a truly interdisciplinary approach. The humanities should not be undervalued, but seen as essential to a well-rounded education and an important area of study for math & science students as well.

Turning STEM into STREAM: Writing as an Essential Component of Science Education - National Writing Project

Savvy Suggestion: Look for ways to incorporate well-planned writiing activities into whatever subject you teach. It's a great way to reach those higher levels of Bloom's!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Waiting for my assignment…

One of the first challenges a new student teacher faces is the anticipation of placement within the chosen school district. Some school districts allow student teachers to choose a list of several potential schools to work in, while others assign student teachers at will, anywhere in the district. I was able to list 3 high schools in my chosen district in which I would like to work. I chose them based on commuting distance, reputation for quality instruction, and familiarity with the district. These are just some of the things you may consider when deciding where you would like to student teach. I will be given my assignment as the fall semester begins. At that point, my next questions will be: Who will my supervising teacher be? Will he or she be easy to work with? 
Savvy suggestion: Learn all you can about the school you are assigned to before you walk through the door for the first time! The school’s website is a great place to start.